A francophile at heart, I spent the better part of my postgraduate years living and working in France. I am a bilingual designer, educator and writer based in New York City. My studies in visual arts and design strategy allow me to switch between pragmatic brainstorming and playful visual experimentation and artistic direction, depending on the needs of the moment. I am passionate about storytelling, whether it be through writing or music. I am an advocate for mental health awareness, and particularly enjoy taking on projects related to health care, education, and social justice.
My passion project is doing layout design for Boshemia Magazine, an independent online and print magazine revolving on arts and culture through an inclusive feminist lens. It has been featured in the Tate Gallery (in the workshop “Feminist Library on Loan”) and is sold at over forty locations in the UK and US. The design and editorial process is collaborative and international, with a team spread between the US, UK, and France.
I am also a certified English as a Second Language instructor, and was one of the original founding teachers to work with the Chinese educational start-up, VIPKid. Now, they have over 100,000 contracted educators! Over the past five years, I have held multiple roles with the company, including as a mentor leading live coaching sessions for new teachers. In January 2017, I won “Most Popular Teacher” and was flown to the headquarters in Beijing for a week.
CV available upon request.