Service, UX / graphic design

Lia is a group project for the TCAT (Transports en Commun de l’Agglomeration Troyenne) who wanted a rebrand and new name. Lia, which sounds similar to “liens” (connections) and “lieux” (places) in French, unites people and places in the city of Troyes. We proposed a visual identity divided by 6 sectors: industry (red), transportation (orange), commerce (yellow), culture and leisure (green), administration (blue), and education (purple). Our field studies revealed that users think more about their final destinations (the post office, school, a shopping center…) rather than the name of each stop, which doesn’t always correspond to the services offered. We indicated one (or several, depending on the destination) of these colors for each bus stop so that commuters would become aware of all of the places that can be accessed by public transportation.